We're on a mission

Inspire people to eat more chickpeas and other beans

Good for your health. Good for the planet's health. Yet here in the US, 80% of the population doesn’t eat enough of them. We're doing our part by turning chickpeas into the foods we all love most.

So, why chickpeas?

heart-healthy plate
Eating more chickpeas is correlated with reduced risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

They're considered both a protein and a vegetable source which makes them naturally nutrient-dense.

Sources: NIH, NIH

herd of banza beans
Chickpeas naturally improve soil health.

They capture nitrogen from the air and release it back into the soil, which reduces the need for synthetic fertilizers and helps other plants grow.

Source: Pulses.org

growing plant-based protein
Chickpeas are drought resistant.

They require less water than most protein sources including beef, eggs, poultry and milk.

Source: Our World In Data

scale weighing grains against meats
Chickpeas aren’t just good for you, they’re good for the land.

They provide significant crop diversification for farmers, helping them employ sustainable farming methods.

Source: Pulses.org